The seminar titled “Investigating Aircraft Accidents in the Light of Human and Organizational Factors,” organized by the Hasan Kalyoncu University (HKU) Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences, attracted great interest.
Captain Pilot Dr. Bilal Kılıç, who spoke at the seminar, pointed out that there are many factors influencing airplane accidents, but emphasized that accidents are largely caused by human errors. He provided important insights into the profession of piloting.
HKU Rector Prof. Dr. Türkay Dereli, who attended the seminar, stated, “We attach great importance to our students participating in such seminars at the very beginning of their journey, who are very conscious of evaluating the vision provided by our Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences and the Department of Civil Aviation Cabin Services, as well as the employment and entrepreneurial opportunities it provides. As HKU, in addition to our seminars, we mobilize all our resources for the development of the aviation and space sciences ecosystem and for the emergence of new figures like Nuri Demirağ, Vecihi Hürkuş, and Selçuk Bayraktar within this ecosystem.”
During his speech, Captain Pilot Dr. Bilal Kılıç, mentioning the human factors such as fatigue, illness, and similar issues experienced by pilots, controllers, and cabin crew, stated, “Traveling by plane is the safest compared to other means of transportation today, but even though accident rates have significantly decreased, incidents caused by human error can still occur. While mechanical errors can be overcome through planning and design, attention must be paid to individual deficiencies in knowledge, illness, fatigue, and similar conditions on the human side. Deciding to fly under these conditions increases the risk of accidents. Pilots flying in unfamiliar climates play a significant role in increasing the risk of accidents, while failure to adapt operations according to seasonal conditions can lead to undesirable situations.”
After the seminar, Captain Pilot Dr. Bilal Kılıç answered questions and signed copies of his book titled “Aircraft Accident Investigation: Learning from Human and Organizational Factors” for the students.